Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Story

I promised details and I'm going to give them, but I'm not sure what details to give...

Before I got engaged, before I even went out with this boy I never liked hearing these stories, I always thought, well yeah that's NOT gonna happen to me. Let me explain.

My chosson's name (I gotta think of a blog name for him - I'm not into the 'my chosson' 'my chosson' 'my chosson' he has a name for goodness sakes) anyway his name came up for me a while back, before the summer actually and I adamantly refused to go out with him. In fact, I was upset and offended that people were pushing it. His upbringing was different than mine, his education was different, his family minhagim were different, and to top it all off he comes from a broken home. One of the things that bothered me greatly was the broken home part - his parents divorced when he was very very young and he basically grew up in a single parent home, not much of a father figure around ever. That really bothered me, I mean who wants to go out with a boy who grew up without a father figure??

Anyway his name came up again right after the yomim tovim but this time it was different. This time he was given my references, and he was looked into for me (and btw I still despise the shidduch system even though I'm past it) without my knowledge. One Friday afternoon I was told so and so is ready to go out with you we just have to call in dor yesharim and you have to give and answer before shabbos. There I put my foot down, I refused to give an answer before shabbos insisting that I be given time to think.

Let me back track a bit. The first time the name came up it was through a shadchan who didn't necessarily know either of us. The second time it came up was interesting. Husbands of three different friends of mine suggested it at three separate times. Anyway, that Shabbos I sat with a very close friend and her husband and talked for about three hours until they finally convinced me to go out at least once. "If he's repulsive you can forget it ever happened but we promise you he's not repulsive" was the end of that conversation.

More later!!


halfshared said...

Cool! Eagerly waiting to hear more!

Anonymous said...

May HaShem please bless both of you that Teezku Livnos Bayis Ne'emon Bi'Yisroel.

Remember to protect your identity (and his) by not giving out any identifying information on your website.
Especially, don't give out the date of the Chassunoh (even afterwards).
Hopefully, all of your other readers will be understanding about this.

And - IY"H by them.
(Am I permitted to say that?)

Miss Teacher said...

More is coming don't worry!

Anon - thanks for the reminder and yes I have been very careful about giving identifying information on the web. That is part of the reason why it's taking me a while to give you guys the whole scoop, I have to figure out how to do it.

AidelKnaidel said...

Sounds fabulous! I can't wait to hear the rest!!

Anonymous said...

i'm very interested to hear the rest of this story. someone suggested a guy for me whose parents are divorced, and i'm a bit hesitant about it. i wanna hear how you felt about that part.

Anonymous said...

So... that's it? Didn't you leave something out? Wait, lemme guess... someone called? :-P

Mazal tov! It's so nice when the circle shrinks.

Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov Miss Teacher :-) I understand why someone would want to maintain their anonymity, but why does anonymous make it sound dangerous to give out your wedding date?

Bas~Melech said...

Well, if she does let slip, we can all come crash the wedding and unmask each other for once and for all ;-)

(...I'll be the one with the ponytail and light, regular-Shabbos outfit... how many points is that?)